Ms. Yang got her master's degree in educational psychology from Virginia Tech in 2013. She was an English teacher at a provincial key high school in China. She has very abundant teaching experience with students of different ages not only theoretically but also practically. When she worked as a volunteer Chinese teacher at the Peninsular Chinese school in Virginia, she has a good reputation for guiding and teaching kids beyond parents' expectations. She likes designing curriculum with lots of games and experiments, boosting students’ confidence with very specific compliments, and she never hesitates to show her love and concern to students. She is very sensitive to students’ needs and strongly believes learners can learn better if you find the self-motivated trigger inside them.
杨老师于2013年在弗吉尼亚理工大学取得教育心理学硕士学位。此前曾在国内一所重点高中担任英语教师。旅居弗吉尼亚期间她曾在半岛中文学校教授中文。她理论结合实践,寓教于乐的教学方式得到了家长和学生的一众好评。她的课程设计灵巧的把游戏 和文化学习有机的结合在了一起,能最大程度的调动学生作为学习主体的主观能动性,在游戏中能更积极更主动的去探索、发现和掌握所学知识。她亦师亦友,能敏锐的捕捉到学生的需求,对学生从不吝惜表扬和鼓励。她深信激发学生自主学习的动力比一味的灌输讲授意义更为深远。 |